They’re a generation who gave so much – and now we’re taking free TV licences away

Free TV licences are no longer going to be automatically given to those aged 75 or overFree TV licences are no longer going to be automatically given to those aged 75 or over
Free TV licences are no longer going to be automatically given to those aged 75 or over
The News Letter informs us of a planned loss of free TV licences for 75,000 elderly in our province. The highly-subsided, and in many cases highly-paid, BBC are quite brazen to suggest this when other media have to manage their businesses in a competitive market.

What alternatives has Government who wastes money in bucketfuls and the BBC considered?

The elderly, many living alone, pay costs of food, light, heat, power, rent and rates, nursing home and residential care, insurance, and many outlays in essential living. Her Majesty the Queen described her generation having a sense of duty to serve.

They have served and now need help in the twilight years of life.

David Barbour, former UUP councillor, Coleraine